How it works:
Carbon Optimized Charging
Carbon-Optimized Charging helps save more carbon. Optimize your charging based on your priorities.
New settings to manage your EV charging - automatically!
Save money - Choose the Currency icon
Save CO2 - Choose the CO2 icon
Use Solar - Choose the Solar Panel icon
You can pick 1, 2 or all 3.
FlexCharging will optimize your EV charging to match your preferences - on a day-to-day
Because the power grid runs different assets every day. Now you can match your EV charging to the times when the most renewable assets are forecasted be online.
When choosing ‘CO2’ - FlexCharging will optimize your charge session for the lowest carbon-intensity times for the next 24 hours - while still respecting your schedule. This may mean you pay a little more for your charge if the lowest carbon-intensity times happen at times when rates are higher.
When choosing ‘Solar’ - FlexCharging will match your managed charging to ‘solar noon’ - based on the time of year. It does not have a link to your specific solar panels, nor to daily weather forecasts for your area.
When choosing ‘Price’ - FlexCharging will optimize your charge session for the lowest cost charge for the location at which you are charging - as long as you have selected your utility and your rate-schedule from the drop-downs for that location.
CO2 intensities are continuously read into the FlexCharging platform - The carbon Intensity forecasts are retrieved from WattTime. Read more about their innovative carbon intensity forecasts here: